SGT Carmine C. Nicastro


SGT Carmine C. Nicastro and T/SGT John Blasko were killed, and T/5 CPL Dominick L. Albanese was presumed dead on 18 April 1944.  They were assigned to 57th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad (Separate) at the time of their deaths.  SGT Nicastro, T/SGT Blasko, and T/5 CPL Albanese were killed when a 7-kilogram SD-10C (Sprengbombe Dickwändig or Splinter Bomb-10C) antipersonnel bomblet with a EAZ(66)A detonated.  The explosion occurred in the unit’s ammunition storage area near Biguglia, Corsica, south of the Bastia Cemetery.  Also killed in the explosion were six Yugoslavian workers.  An investigation concluded that one of the Yugoslavian civilians had dropped the bomblet.

*This bio was researched and authored by SGM Mike R. Vining, USA (Retired) with supporting research from the books, Nine from Aberdeen, by Jeffrey M. Leatherwood, Ph.D., and Bomb Disposal, The Early Years of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, 1940 to 1949, by LTC Robert E. Leiendecker, USA (Retired)


Posted on

April 18, 1944

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