SGT James G. Johnston


Sergeant James G. Johnston, an 89D Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician, assigned to 704th Ordnance Company (EOD), 79th Ordnance Battalion (EOD), died June 25, 2019, as a result of wounds he sustained while engaged in combat operations in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan.

SGT Johnston was born on September 16, 1994. He enlisted in the United States Army in July 2013, as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician.

After completing Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, SGT Johnston was assigned to 129TH OD CO (EOD) located at Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Washington, as an EOD Specialist. In October 2016, SGT Johnston was assigned to the 707TH OD CO (EOD) at Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Washington. Then in January of 2018, SGT Johnston was assigned to the 718TH OD CO (EOD) at Camp Humphreys, South Korea. Followed in February 2019 by his assignment to 704TH OD CO (EOD) Company at Fort Hood, Texas. While assigned to the 704TH OD CO (EOD) Company, SGT Johnston held the EOD Team Member and EOD Team Sergeant positions.

In March 2019, SGT Johnston deployed to Afghanistan with the 704TH OD CO (EOD) Company as an EOD Technician in Support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.

SGT Johnston’s military education consists of the Field Sanitation Course, Combat Lifesaver’s Course, CREW Master Gunner Course and EOD School.

SGT Johnston’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, the Meritorious Service Metal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with One Campaign Star, the Global War on Terrorism Medal, the Korean Dense Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Combat Action Badge, and the Senior EOD Badge.


Posted on

June 25, 2019


  1. Christine E Doty

    Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice. RIP

  2. Patti McCall-Junkin

    This soldier did not even get the opportunity to meet his child. My heart hurts for his family. May they find peace and may we never forget his selfless sacrifice for a war that started when he was just a child.


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