SP6 Paul B. McKinley


SP6 Paul Blount McKinley and SP5 Dean Moore were killed on 22 November 1967. They were assigned to 191st Ordnance Battalion (Ammunition), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Section. SP6 McKinley and SP5 Moore were in route to an incident near Phan Thiet, Binh Tuan Providence, Republic of Vietnam, when they were killed instantly by a command-detonated mine that detonated beneath their 1/4-ton jeep. They were 5 miles north of Phan Thiet Highway 8 and had just passed over a bridge onto a narrow stretch of gravel road when the explosion occurred. The mine consisted of a U.S. 105mm projectile. SP6 McKinley was posthumously awarded the Silver Star Medal for his activities in Vietnam.


Posted on

November 22, 1967

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