TSGT Anthony L. Capra


TSgt Tony Capra, from Hanford, California, entered the Air Force in June 1997. He was assigned to Det 63, 688 Armament Systems Squadron, Indian Head Naval Ordnance Station, Maryland.

He deployed to the 332nd Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Balad AB, Iraq. He volunteered for the assignment, his fourth deployment since 2001. During his 107th combat mission, TSgt Capra, who was an EOD team leader was conducting post-blast analysis of a roadside bomb crater. During his investigation, he discovered a second improvised explosive device only a few meters away; while attempting to render the second device safe, it detonated.

TSgt Capra was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star, first Oak Leaf Cluster, for his heroic actions during his deployment. According to the medal citation, during his deployment, which began Nov. 10, Sergeant Capra’s actions ensured the safety and freedom of movement for more than 41,000 coalition forces, multi-national contractors and local nationals. He contributed to the recovery and destruction of more than 24,000 pieces of ordnance weighing more than 26,000 pounds.

He is survived by his wife Angie, and their five children, Victoria, Adrianna, Shawn, Mark, and Jared; his parents Anthony and Sharon Capra, and his eleven younger siblings.


Posted on

April 9, 2008


  1. Nicholas Wengerd

    I dont know if anyone reads these. I was there when this happened. I was assigned to the 332d ECES…..i had been hanging out with the EOD team just days before Tony died. I never forget that moment we were told what happened.

    • Melissa Tackitt

      Hello Nicholas,
      Yes, we do read these and thank you for reaching out. We hope you are doing well and have great memories of Tony.

  2. Chris Marcus

    I didn’t know Tony but was the medic that received his remains at the hospital at Balad. I have tons of respect for EOD, especially after that. I remembered his name after all of these years and always wanted to know a little more about him. Thank you for this forum. Sometimes just knowing a little information can help with some closure.

  3. Ted Hestilow

    Tony was my supervisor and the first guy that welcomed me into the Eglin shop back in 04′

    We both worked in the same section (training) together and I always looked up to Tony because he was intelligent, very capable, motivated and kind. He had a great sense of humor, a great mix of humility and confidence and he always made wherever he was a better place with his presence.


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