1LT Steven Todorovich


First Lieutenant Steven “Steve” Todorovich, was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 5 May 1917 and resided at 3418 Smallman Street, in the city’s 6th Ward.

In April of 1943, First Lieutenant Steven Todorovich deployed with 235th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Company (Provisional)to Oran, Algeria where the unit was assigned to the North African and Italian theater. In October of 1943, as the Commander of Third Platoon, First Lieutenant Todorovich received temporary duty orders to North Africa working with Captain F. Harrison Dillon, where they were to travel to Tunis, Tunisia from Maison Blanche Airport, Algiers, Algeria. At 1420 on 10 October 1943, the officers departed Algiers on board a B-25C “ferry” plane (tail number 42-64510 from the 379th Bomber Squadron, 310th Bombardment Group) on heading 090° toward Tunisia. Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) 1102, dated 27 October 1943 confirmed the plane never arrived. The circumstances of its disappearance were not known. Investigations by the Army Air Force indicated no wreckage or human remains have been recovered. First Lieutenant Steven Todorovich was listed as missing-in-action, non-battle casualty on the day of the mission.

First Lieutenant Todorovichwas initially survived by his mother Anna Torodovich and father John Torodovich.


Posted on

October 10, 1943

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