SSG Johnnie V. Mason


SSG Johnnie Vell Mason was killed on 19 December 2005. SSG Mason was assigned to the 717th Ordnance Company (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), 184th Ordnance Battalion (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), 52nd Ordnance Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), 20th Support Command (CBRNE). SSG Mason killed was when an improvised explosive device detonated al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. The explosive ordnance disposal team responded to an improvised explosive in a white burlap sack in a road median, when a possible secondary improvised explosive device was found in the safe area near the teams HHMVW. The second device was glowing green. SGT Jonathan Ferraro, 22, used a robot to disarm the first device while SSG Mason headed to examine a green glow near the HHMVW. SSG Johnnie Mason responded immediately to the secondary and took immediate actions on the device. SSG Mason was trying to safe the device when it detonated, killing him instantly at exactly 23:30 hours. SSG Mason saved the lives of five soldiers that night who were within feet of the device. 

*This bio was researched and authored by SGM Mike R.Vining, USA (Retired). Please send any additional information and/or corrections to the author of this bio by email: The EOD Wounded Warrior Foundation is not responsible for the accuracy of the information in bio.


Posted on

December 19, 2005


  1. Mike

    SGM Vining- I can confirm that this summary is accurate. I was on the team that did the post blast and i wrote the 15-6.

  2. Jonathan Ross Hornbuckle

    I confirm all of the above. I was the gunner of the vehicle that parked beside the secondary. SSG Mason was a true professional and his actions that night saved myself, the driver SPC Grady and the dismounts that were on the ground. I am truly grateful for his selfless actions that and it is a debt that I can never repay. Rest in peace SSG Mason.


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