EOD2 Curtis R. Hall


Explosive Ordnance Disposal Second Class (EWS) Curtis Ralph Hall was born June 10, 1982 in Burley, Idaho to Pamela and Clarence Hall.  He grew up participating in sports not unfamiliar to many American young men, however, he loved one: Basketball. He excelled in it; he certainly defeated many of his shipmates in friendly competition. The remainder of his time he dedicated to the Boy Scouts where he ultimately achieved Eagle Scout.  Curtis enlisted in the United States Navy, August 7, 2001 following graduation from Burley High School and attending classes at the College of Southern Idaho.

Following graduation from Navy Recruit Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois, Curtis completed instruction as a Hull Technician Fireman Apprentice and reported to Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Mobile Unit SIX, Charleston, South Carolina and gained his first experience with Navy EOD Divers. He completed dive training at Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center in Panama City, Florida and graduated from the Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal as an EOD Assistant. He accepted orders to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit THREE, San Diego, California, where he flawlessly executed duties and responsibilities as a Primary Mammal Handler and completed a Force Protection deployment to Bahrain.  Following this operational deployment, he returned to Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal and graduated as a Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician in June 2006.  He subsequently completed EOD Tactical Training at EOD Training Unit ONE and earned his Basic Airborne wings at the US Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, Georgia.

EOD2 Hall reported on board Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit ELEVEN on  September 11, 2006 and was assigned to EODMU ELEVEN Detachment ONE. As the new guy, he picked up the nickname “Probie,” but with his friendly, easy going personality he immediately proved himself as a dedicated, hardworking and reliable detachment member who ensured the Detachment’s diving equipment and vehicles were properly maintained.  Furthermore, he enthusiastically endeavored to complete his Senior EOD Technician qualification.  Curtis completed training with his detachment and deployed to Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal First Class (EWS) Curtis Ralph Hall was killed in action on the 6th day of April, 2007 in the city of Hawija, Iraq during combat operations while supporting Operation IRAQI FREEDOM from Combat Operating Base McHenry in Kirkuk Province. Petty Officer Hall was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device for Valor and Purple Heart.

Curtis Ralph Hall is survived by his parents Clarence and Pamela Hall, his brothers Robert and Randy, and his sister Brenda.


Posted on

April 6, 2007

1 Comment

  1. Rich Moore

    Was at EODMU6 with Curtis. Would give him the weekly “high and tight” he had to have as a mudpup back in 2003-04. Crazy times. Never forgotten brother.


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